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The Complete Guide to Palestine's Websites

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Although the Complete Guide to Palestine's Websites is primarily intended to offer links to Palestinian resources, this section includes Israeli websites that have been included for one or more of the following reasons: extensive and relevant English-language content; a significant contribution to understanding Israeli culture; and/or insight into the peace process. Although Israeli webmasters are welcome to suggest sites, all links here are added at the discretion of the Birzeit webmaster. Links to search engines specialising in Israeli websites have been offered below for those who wish to explore this part of the Internet more thoroughly.


Bar-Ilan University: - Bar-Ilan is an institution with a religious foundation that has been accused of being a breeding ground for fanatical Israeli right-wing opinion. If you are tempted to search their website for any mention of "Yigal Amir", the now ex-student who assassinated Yitzhak Rabin, however, you will be disappointed. Reviewed by Nigel Parry / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev:

Haifa University:

Hebrew University: - Founded in Jerusalem in 1925 as a secular institution, Hebrew University is the oldest university in Israel. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

The Open University of Israel: - Headquartered in the Ramat Aviv neighborhood in Tel Aviv, the Open University offers educational opportunities to people who are unable to study full-time at a traditional university campus. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Technion University:

Tel Aviv University:


Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs - extensive collection of press releases, information and misinformation about the peace process, speeches of Israeli leaders and more.

Knesset (The Parliament of Israel): - with a page for each serving Member of the Knesset (MK), useful for journalists who read an article that mentions an MK, and want a bit of background to make themselves appear more intelligent than the first journalist.

Israel Prison Service: /TimesSquare/5432/index.html - This unofficial site for the Israel Prison Service greets you with a counter, saying "You are inmate number ### "visiting" here....(since Sept. 26, 1996)." The site stresses that all the information included is culled from official IPS releases. The information in the site does NOT include information and data from military prisons, and omits the 4,000+ Palestinians held as political prisoners in Israeli jails. And now for some fun stats included in the site (from May 1997): of the 6,716 Israelis in prison, only 11.5% serve sentences longer than 10 years, and most were convicted of drug (21%) and property (33.2%) offences. Of 1,781 West Bank & Gaza residents, 58.9% serve sentences greater than 10 years, and 70.2% were convicted of "Security offences." Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Prime Minister's Office: - Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu's personal homepage, if you like, with video addresses, lists of advisors, speeches and other material, all contrived to convince us that this man is not institutionalisable.

Internet Service Providers

Netvision: - Israel's biggest internet service provider. Includes a handy-for-locals mirror site of Tucows, the premier, free Internet software ftp-site.

Israeli Politics

BibiWatch: - BibiWatch, run by Israeli left-winger Eric Lee, is one man's crusade against Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. Eric goes after Bibi with the same kind of gleeful dedication as a terrier chasing a weasal into its burrow. Daily diatribes make uncomfortable points that I am convinced would cause Bibi to lose sleep, that is, if he had any time to surf the Web instead of dealing with his latest corruption scandal. Lee was the organizer of the Israeli Internet Blackout on 29 May 1997. Michael has taken to whining that the site isn't as funny as the name would suggest. I agree. Reviewed by Nigel Parry / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Israeli Communist Party:

Labor Party: - Official homepage for the Labor Party, Israel's mainstream, center-left (for Israel) political party. Yitzhak Rabin, Golda Meir, and Shimon Peres are a few of Labor's luminaries. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Likud Party: - Official homepage for the Likud Party, Israel's mainstream, center-right (for Israel) political party. Benjamin Netanyahu, Menachem Begin and Ariel Sharon are a few of Likud's luminaries. Be forewarned, sometimes this link doesn't work. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Meretz Bloc: - The official homepage for the Meretz Bloc, a small, left-wing coalition that is one of the Knesset's strongest advocates for civil rights and a just peace. The English section of the site is under construction, but still has some useful information for those of us who don't read Hebrew. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

News and Media

Arutz-7: /media/arutz7/ - Arutz-7 is a pirate radio station run out of the Beit El settlement outside of Ramallah that has gone Internet. Always good for a few outrageous statements. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Challenge: - A Jerusalem magazine on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, does just what its name suggests, it challenges. Selected articles are online. Added to Complete Guide: 21 December 1997

Ha'aretz: - Ha'aretz may not have the widest circulation among Hebrew dailies, but it has always been considered the leading intellectual Hebrew daily. It's pages are rich with columns and articles written by Israel's foremost academics and politicians, but if you don't read Hebrew, you're out of luck. That is, until now. Ha'aretz's new website features English translations of top news stories and a handful of editorials and op-ed pieces. The unbiased news coverage is also a relief after reading the less-than-balanced pages of the Jerusalem Post (see below). Of course, a photo or two would be a nice addition to the text, but let's not be picky. A must for daily coverage of events in the region. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Jerusalem Post: - Yahoo described the Jerusalem Post's site as "the most polished of the foreign news sites we saw, provid[ing] thorough and even-handed weekly news coverage of Israel and the Middle East." The site is rated the 6th most visited site world-wide and its number of hits per annum reaches the tens of millions. As a regular reader of the Post's print edition, I find this a bit disheartening. The paper could only be considered even-handed by members of the Likud Party (e.g. the weather map's political boundaries don't recognize a difference between the West Bank, Gaza or the Golan. Only the Golan and East Jerusalem have been annexed as part of Metropolitan Israel). As for polished, well... I always get a kick out of finding the rare typo or grammar error in the New York Times. With the Post, the complete lack of properly edited text gets rather tiring. But you read it because you have to. There's not much else in English here. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Jerusalem Report: - A weekly magazine published by those who bailed out of the Jerusalem Post when it got taken over by right-wing Canadian Conrad Black. I can't put my hand on my heart and say it's vastly better than the Post, although it's certainly a little better. I think my problem is a lack of enthusiasm. Reviewed by Nigel Parry / Added to Complete Guide: 12 February 1998

Peace Process

Ariga: - Website of a publishing company run by writer Robert Rosenberg, including links to news, peace, human rights, arts and culture sites. The website is stuffed full of an enourmous amount of links to fresh and intellegent information about Israeli and Palestinian sites, the latter even including webpages designed by Ariga for Palestinian organizations that haven't got a Web presence. Ariga is a Hebrew word meaning "weave," as in Web. Reviewed by Nigel Parry / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997


MIDDLE EAST REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (MERIA): MERIA is a publication of the Begin-Sadat centre for Strategic Studies, a department of Bar-Ilan University, Israel. A rare find in Israeli sites - well-informed, interesting analysis and open to suggestions and contributions. They send out a free monthly report by e-mail that contains articles on the Middle East from a wide variety of sources including Palestinian and Arab scholars. Other useful features include a selection of free books, and articles spanning 20 years which analyse US policy in the Middle East. Oh - they also gave a plug for Birzeit OutLoud in their November 1998 issue.Reviewed by Adam Hanieh / Added to Complete Guide: 2 December 1998

Settlers & Settlement

The Yesha Council of Judea, Samaria and Gaza: - Yesha is an umbrella organization that represents all settlement communities on the national level. This site includes a comprehensive list of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza with some background information on each. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

The Jewish Community of Hebron: - Hebron's Jewish settlers are perhaps the most famous (some would say infamous) of Israel's West Bank settlers. This site provides all sorts of information about Hebron's history, the current political situation through the eyes of the settler community, and tourism opportunities. We wouldn't recommend touring with the settlers, for your own safety and sanity. Reviewed by Michael O'Neill / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Oz Veshalom-Netivot Shalom: - The friendly, reasonable face of religious Zionism, includes an interesting plan for settlers to keep only 7% of the West Bank, thereafter happily ascenting to a Palestinian state in the remaining 93% of the West Bank and all of Gaza. Reviewed by Nigel Parry / Added to Complete Guide: 17 May 1997

Web Directories

The (almost) Complete Guide to WWW in Israel: - We like the name of this website, a lead which we will probably have to follow if Palestine's websites keep expanding as fast as they did in 1997. Very simple design. Very useful. Reviewed by Nigel Parry / Added to Complete Guide: 12 February 1998



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The Complete Guide was designed by Nigel Parry. Maintained by Adam Hanieh, Birzeit Webmaster,