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Al-Bank Al-'Aqari Al-'Arabi: - Brief information about the background, regional branches, branches, activities and services from this bank, with branches in Egypt, Jordan and Palestine (Bethlehem, Gaza and Nablus). In English and Arabic. Added to Complete Guide: 19 May 1997. Review last updated: 16 December 1997. Top of page.

Aqaria - Palestine Real Estate Investment Co: - Established in 1994, Palestine Real Estate Investment Co, Aqaria, "..aims to develop land for various purposes, whether residential, commercial, recreational or industrial. The company’s present priority is the planning and the construction of well designed housing complexes providing quality modern homes with comprehensive community services, using local materials and expertise, at a reasonable cost." Site lists some of their projects in Gaza and Ramallah.Added to Complete Guide: 2 November 1998 Top of page.

Arab Palestinian Investment Company: "APIC aims to channel technology, managerial expertise and investment in support of underdeveloped enterprises that abound in Palestine, rather than introduce new companies to compete for their business." This site has a very optimistic view of the Palestinian economy, I actually wondered if it was the same Palestine I know. It does have some good economic statistics but really isn’t much more than a brochure for the company.Added to Complete Guide:15 September 1998. Top of page.

The First International Economic Conference in Palestine From 27 to 29 April 1998: - Brief information about this conference. Added to Complete Guide: 13 May 1998. Top of page.

Arab Supernet: This site has undergone a total revamp and is now one of the best sites in Palestine. Utilizing a database interface which is a first for Palestine, users can navigate their way through information about companies, businesses and organizations. The site allows organizations to add information about themselves which can then be updated on-line at any time. The format of this site has enormous potential to be expanded into other areas of Palestinian society. This really is the next step in Palestinian websites. Website of the month, March 1999 Added to Complete Guide: 15 September 1998. Review updated 3 March 1999 Top of page.

Massar: - Massar is a private Palestinian consulting firm that was established in 1994 with the aim of providing business solutions for the private and public sectors in Palestine. Information on this professionally designed website includes the services offered by Massar, information about their staff, and a list of their clients.Added to Complete Guide: 8 May 1999. Top of page.

Palestine Development and Investment Ltd. (PADICO): - "The idea of PADICO emerged after the signing of the Palestinian-Israeli Declaration of Principles when it became apparent that a peaceful solution would be reached regarding Palestinian land occupied since 1967. The Israeli occupation has destroyed the economic infrastructure of the Palestinian territories and created miserable living conditions there. This situation dictates that Palestinian and Arab resources be fully mobilized and directed towards rebuilding the economic infrastructure of the territories. The influx of capital should help create jobs, a pressing imperative, and improve the standard of living of the Palestinian people while providing competitive financial returns to investors." Added to Complete Guide: 21 December 1997. Top of page.

Palestine International Bank: - Excellently designed website with lots of information about the activities of this modern bank, with a branch in Ramallah (more in Palestine to follow), and offices in Dubai and Qatar. The bank will be adding telephone and Internet banking services in 1998. Added to Complete Guide: 19 May 1997. Review last updated: 17 December 1997. Top of page.

Palestine - The Promising Land website: - Palnet's introduction to investment and business for the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. With factual information about the Palestinian economy, an overview of governmental institutions, laws and regulations, the Paris Protocol, and a list of project proposals being promoted. All sections need updating. Added to Complete Guide: 19 May 1997. Review last updated: 16 December 1997. Top of page.

Palestinian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture: - This Palestinian website is very refreshing, with a simple but attractive design and clearly laid out information about all aspects of the work of the Hebron Chamber of Commerce. Ramallah's Chamber is due to follow in a couple of days and the others after that. The website is produced by the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, and information is available about these. A bonus is the Hebron photo gallery, with information about Hebron and images of the city. Added to Complete Guide: 5 January 1998. Top of page.

The Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR): - The Palestinian Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR) was established in November 1993 to organize, administer and disburse international aid in an effective and efficient way. It was assigned by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the newly-formed Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to prepare and monitor development projects financed by foreign aid and to coordinate the activities of the donor countries in the Palestinian Territories. Acting on the economic guidelines of the PNA, PECDAR has evolved to become the development think-tank of Palestine and the implementing agency assigned by the PNA, the World Bank and the donor states to propose, select and implement foreign aid-funded projects as well as to coordinate and facilitate the flow and allocation of the funds. Added to Complete Guide: 21 December 1997. Top of page.

Palestinian Securities Exchange, Ltd.: - A pretty good website for the Palestinian stock exchange, set up to encourage the expatriot Palestinian investor. The PSE is a high-tech affair and you will find details of its computer system as well as Most importantly, you can find up-to-date prices of Palestinian shares. When reviewing this website, I noticed that the Al-Quds Index (Palestine's Dow Jones) was up to 158. When I visited the exchange around 7 months ago, the index was just under 100 points, in other words an increase of 60 percent. Added to Complete Guide: 10 February 1998. Top of page.

Paltrade - Palestine Trade Center: - Formerly known as the Palestinian Trade Development Center, Paltrade has recently redesigned its website. It is formed and supported by concerned Palestinians who are committed to furthering economic development through expanded private sector action and increased international trade. The website has expanded with more information about doing business in Palestine, various trade and business shows and useful information about sectors of Palestinian industry. Added to Complete Guide: 6 February 1997. Review last updated: 3 March 1999. Top of page.

Palestinian Trade Promotion Organization: An organization devoted to encouraging trade with Palestine. Unfortunately though it really lacks content - membership information, and three articles about the Palestinian handicrafts, textile and garments and agriculture sectors is all you really find here. A brochure site. Added to Complete Guide:15 September 1998. Top of page.

Telepal: - Telepal describes itself as "the premier Palestinian publishing company." If this was really true, the other Palestinian publishing companies must truly be frightening institutions. Only one of the five links on the homepage have ever worked, and on the page that did, none of the graphics or hotlinks worked. Added to Complete Guide: 19 May 1997. Review last updated: 17 December 1997. Top of page.


Palestine Development InfoNet: /PDIN/pdfront.html - The Palestinian Development InfoNet disseminates information on development assistance and reconstruction in the West Bank and Gaza for use by NGOs, the private sector, policy makers, and scholarly researchers. The PDIN website is maintained by the Interuniversity Consortium for Arab Studies (Montréal), with the support of the Arts Computer Network, McGill University, and the World Bank. A great source of information. Added to Complete Guide: 21 December 1997. Top of page.

Palestine Economic Forum: - The Palestine Economic Forum seeks to "promote prosperity and the peace process by bringing in the economic dimension on a broad set of issues that are at the cutting edge of Palestinian economic development. In the process it hopes to encourage civil society deliberations; improve coordination among the donors, Palestinian Diaspora, private investors, and public stakeholders; and ultimately, improve the quality of public policy in the West Bank and Gaza." You will find information on the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS), publications including the excellent Palestine Economic Pulse, West Bank and Gaza Update, Peace Economics, articles and papers, and a discussion forum, which includes topics such as Public Sector Finances and Administration, International Trade, Investment, and Capital Flows, Private Sector Development, Human Resources, and Permanent Settlement Issues. Added to Complete Guide: 21 December 1997. Top of page.



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