Race Against Time

Center For Research & Documentation
of Palestinian Society

The Race Against Time

The Race to create an Oral History National Archive.
The Race to document the trials, triumphs and travesties of a dying generation.
The Race to preserve the Palestinian identity.

The Center for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society sees it as its foremost priority to record, collect and preserve the information from the ever-dwindling elder generation of Palestinians so as to provide a comprehensive overview of the social, economic, cultural and religious history of Palestinian society.

Towards this effort the Center has already laid the foundation for a national archive through its ground breaking work on twenty destroyed Palestinian villages. This is but a fraction of the work that needs to be done. It is imperative, at this very moment, to concentrate all efforts on the collection of the material so that it can be stored and preserved for analysis and research at large.

Moreover, at this point in time, the Palestinian people are confronted with a new political era, one which will inevitably have its effect on Palestinian culture and history. In the wake of the Palestinian-Israeli political agreements and the election of a right-wing government in Israel, new dangers have appeared on the horizon that threaten further sweeping cultural and social changes.

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Material compiled by Rami Nashashibi, June 1996. Page design by Birzeit Web Team, March 1997.
Center for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society, Birzeit University, P.O. Box 14, Birzeit, West Bank, Palestine.
Tel: +972-2-998-2975, Fax: +972-2-995-2975, E-mail: