CRDPS Background

Center For Research & Documentation
of Palestinian Society



Founded in 1977 by a number of Birzeit University academics, the Center for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society (CRDPS) is one of a number of research centers affiliated with the university. The Center acts to motivate and focus for study and documentation of Palestinian society from a variety of perspectives.

Organizational Structure

Birzeit University's Center for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society is supervised by and accountable to a Consultation Committee composed of prominent Birzeit University staff specialized in the fields researched by the Center. Current commitee members include the following:

Aims & Objectives

The Center aims to conduct research and gather documentation on Palestinian society from social, political, cultural, historical and economic perspectives, by employing a variety of social science techniques. Research results and documentation are made available in the library and in Center publications for the benefit of local and international scholars. Through its work, the Center promotes the collection, preservation and analysis of information about issues of concern to the Palestinian community, taking into special consideration the various threats posed to the community during this epoch.


Part of the Center's many activities includes hosting conferences on issues significant to Palestinians. The Center has a planned a series of conferences including Political Islam, The Promotion of Democracy in Palestinian Society, The Palestinian Economy, and Towards a Palestinian Strategy for Jerusalem. These conferences are not simply an excerise in academic exchange, but also aim to establish networks and processes which will create lasting results on the ground. The center collects, edits and publishes proceedings of its conferences.

Click Here To View Articles & Other Information in the Center's Archives

| About CRDPS | Race Against Time Project | CRDPS Archives |
| Complete Guide to Palestine's Websites - Academic & Research listings |

Material compiled by Rami Nashashibi, June 1996. Page design by Birzeit Web Team, March 1997.
Center for Research and Documentation of Palestinian Society, Birzeit University, P.O. Box 14, Birzeit, West Bank, Palestine.
Tel: +972-2-998-2975, Fax: +972-2-995-2975, E-mail: