welcome to my home page |
Welcome you to my home page which I started to design in 1-November-2000. i learned how to build my home page through a course in front page at University of Jordan , Faculty of engineering by engineer Ahmad Sakrieah You can see personal page to know with whom you deal My aim is to 1-Give people simple access to my thoughts and opinions in many things 2-Being part of Palestinian people who are struggling to take their part in the world 3-Communicating with my family, friends, my class, and people from all over the world
The information in my home page depend on many links to Palestinian, Arabic and Islamic sites. my personal efforets appear only through my personal page ,qusasat, and in the design. I will appreciate any comment or post from you through signing my guest book or contact me through e-mail
I hope you will find these pages useful. If you have any problems, questions, suggestions, or remarks, then please contact me about them