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Surname (no Al or El)
Bold links include extensive or interesting information.
Homepages - The Real Guides to Palestine and her People
Abboud, Mohammad
Family, Islam, Lebanon, Palestine, Australia, computers, songs, news....
Abdallah, Fares news, music, links....
Abdallah, Wesam
Rahib II - Handala, architecture, Tupac Shakur, Islam page, idiots page, sellouts....
Abdel-Munem, Baker - Palestine Ambassador to Canada Profile....
Abdel-Munem, Baker - Palestine Ambassador to Canada
Brief history of Palestine, links....
Abdel-Munem, Baker - Palestine Ambassador to Canada Palestine, news & media
Abdel-Raheem, Mohammad
Palestine & Sweden, fly fishing, dogs, photos, links....
Absi, Jamil Palestine, personal, links....
Abu Khaleel, Belal Palestine, friends, profile, hot links....
Abu Niaj, Abdel-Ghani Palestine, Islam, Arabia, links
Abu Samra, Nada
Born Again Christian, friends, belief, hero, poetry & songs, Palestine, Lebanon, links
Abu Alrub, Marwan +
All you need to know about Al-Aqsa....
Abu Khalil, Nidal Journal of news & sites of Puerto Rico & Palestine
Abu Khudeir, Mohsen
Links to Palestinian sites, newspapers, photos, songs, folklore,
Abu Neaj, Yousef Varied subjects and interesting links !!!!
Abu Rdeneh, Usama
Links to Palestinian history, pictures, maps, newspapers, music and other unrelated links....
Abu Safia, Sameh & Ahmad + Hamama, Palestine, UAE
Abu Salah, Mostafa
Personal info, technical, Palestine, politics, poems, album, media....
Abu Shawar, Khaled Personal, pictures, family company, Thekrin
Abu Zarifa, Anwar +
Palestine, Arabia, Islam, HTML, Arabic newspapers, links
Abu Zahra, Amjad +
Pictures - Home Land, preception, ultrasound, Golan....
Affaneh, Mohammad
El Biereh - Chat, music, newspapers, Palestine, Gaza Strip, politics, Intifada
Agha, Mohannad CV, photos, personal, links....
Agha, Omar Khan Younis City, poetry oasis, links....
Ahmad, Abdallah Palestine, photo album, computing, mathematics, physics, chemistry....
Ahmad, Khaled +
Leila Khaled, Naji Al-Ali, Palestinian story in pictures, links....
Ahmad, Wael M.
Virtual tour of Palestine, Shuqpa, Islam, friends, family photos, links....
Poems, quiz, quotations, Palestine, Jerusalem, pictures, links....
Ajeenah, Hani M. An alien on earth, short autobiogarphy, photos....
Ajeenah, Hisham M. Personal, family, achievments, hobbies, favourites....
Ajeenah, Mohammad M. Personal info, news, photos, childhood, friends....
Alami, Musa Mohammad PC games, James Bond, downloads, links....
Alami, Ramzi Jordan, Palestine , Alami Jordan Exchange, Amman Jerash Rotary Club
Ali, Mohammad
Islam, Hizbullah, poems, Palestine, Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa, Israeli terror and massacres, links....
Amal's Domain
Stolen Country, Myth vs Reality & Other Articles, photos, poems, Islam, Palestine, Lebanon, links
Amer, Aishy +
Research interests, Little Prince, resum�, personal activities, Montreal, quotes....
Amin, Abdel-Munem
Palestine, profile, album, school, hobbies, news, other countries, links ...
Anabtawi Family
Family Homepages (several personal and business pages), family information, picture gallery....
Annab, Zuhair H. The farm, how Israel was made....
Aranki, Josef Good links re-Palestinian issues....
ASA Group + Palestine, Islam, jesus, interests, links....
Ashhab, Bashar - Grizzly's Cave
Bears (real ones), cars and NBA all stars court....
Ashhab, Farah Games, Disney, Palestine , Australia, cool links....
Ashhab, Hamzeh 1
Resume, Palestine, newspapers, chat, sydney, mechanical, cars, computers, links....
Ashhab, Hamzeh 2
Palestine related links, facts about Palestine, profile, family, photo slides, web tools ....
Ashhab, Hamzeh 3
Cities, tourism, photos, Palestine, history, documents, articles, facts, java stuff, links....
Ashi, Mohammad Personal info, Palestine, songs, Islamic & Arabic sites....
Ashour, Tareq M.
Islamic resources, Arabic Oasis, Palestine, newsgroups, miscellaneous sites....
Assaf, Dr. Netham Palestinian & Italian links
Atalah, Shadi - Birawee Al-Bireh Society, shuhada photo album, links....
Abdel-Hadi, Ayyad Abooda's place on the web....
Ayyad, Khaled Arab Zone - News, music, links....
Badran, Ismail Personal, Palestine, Intifada, Jerusalem, Nablus, links....
Ba'loushah, Husam Palestine, Islam, news, photos, poems, jokes....
Bakri, Marwan - The Architect
Photo gallery, costumes, news links, education, articles....
Barghouti, Bashar +
Intifada, martyrs, Islam, Palestine folklore, Palestinian poets, Naji Al-Ali....
Basem (OnLine) +
History, cold blood killing, eye witness, Jerusalim history, Arabic poems....
Budeiri, Musa Papers, articles, reviews. Expulsion from Jerusalem
Bulus, Raid & Patty Al Bassa - Pictures, map, families, music, writings....
Bustami, Khaled (Leo) I am me, CV, personal thoughts
Chawra, Ismail +
Palestine, Egypt, friends, resume, links....
Cork, Bob & Willie
Intifada, Christian perspective, poems & essays, tour Palestine, children, Birzeit, history....
Dabbour, Usama Islam, friends, Palestinian, Arabic & Australian links ....
Daibe, Rami
Palestine, culture, Jerusalem, Intifada, Arabic music, free stuff, hot news, album....
Dakhlallah, Lisa Money for Palestine, internet....
Dana Bir Zeit University, links
Dayfallah, Mohammad - The Arabic World
Personal, pictures, newspapers, songs, pen pals, Arabic font, chat
Deameh, Moayyad Personal info, Palestine, newspapers, Islam, music, hacking....
Deborah - Pray for Palestine
Pray for justice, mercy, peace, pray mostly that they may reclaim their homes
Eleyan, N. Ziggy Design, biography, gallery, artists & Palestine links....
Fahd, M. + Palestine, Fairouz, languages, links....
Farra, Ahmad Palestine, Khan Younis, family & friends, photos....
Farra, Aref Family, pictures, experience, love, information, fun, serious links....
Fattah, Ayman A. Web design, profile, resume, news stand, technical & other links
Feuerstein, Steven
An American Jew who is DISGUSTED by what Israel is doing to Palestinians
Ghassan, Mutaz & Rania Chat room, singers, cool links....
Haddad, Maher M. Resume
Hajjo, Imad Personal, photos, Palestine, Jerusalem gallery, music, Poland, links....
Halawa, Wajih Resume, photography, articles, Trifecta music, links....
Hallaq, Ayman Map, Palestine, Gaza, 1948, Ashkelon....
Hamdallah, Hatem
Chat Room, personal page, magic, Arab links, pen pal list....
Hammouri, Izedeen S. Palestine, media, Islam, chat, friends....
Hanania, Raed Palestine, Jerusalem, Haifa, Bethlehem, avoid a virus attack, jokes....
Hanania, Ray Political reporter - Biography, columns, books - Very informative
Harazin, Khalil Palestine Information Center - Palestinian bookmarks, USA government sites
Hashem, Abboud Banners, games, maps....
Hashim, l. (Um Ahmad) Visit Palestine Thru My Eyes - Battle of Religions, orphans, links
Hawari, Majid
Arabic & Islamic Affairs - Palestine, news, entertainment, Arab World affairs and information....
Hazboun, Arthur
Palestinian Information Center - Palestine, Bethlehem, Arafat, peace, related links
Hazineh, Jihad
In Love with Palestine - Jerusalem, religion, art, politics, poets, issues, wisdom, cartoons....
Hihi, Anton Palestine, history, Bethlehem, holy pictures, newspapers, map....
Hirzalla, Nael Research interests, biography, publications, resume, children and other photos....
Hodali, Fadi Family, Palestine, art....
Hussainy, Sadek Own music, Arabic midi, Palestine, Arabic radio....
Hussein, Ali Resume, gallery, poetry, Palestinian related and other links
Hussein, Khalid
Islam, Palestine, politics, papers, radio & TV, computers, chatting, songs....
Irsheid, Mazen Crazy World - Dreamer, music, pics, thoughts, poems....
Ishaq, Issam Palestine , Arabic software map
Jaber, Mohammad
Palestinian Diary - Arafat, Palestine, documents, culture, news, reports, business, media....
Jaber, Tamer Adel Palestine, Qatar, UAE, Islam, father....
Jondi, Jaber Quran, Intifadah, Al-Aqsa, conspiracies, Jerusalem, Palestine, Jordan....
Jayyousi, Mohannad Palestine - History, poetry, pictures, maps, resolutions, chat, links....
Jayyousi, Nidal Family photos, Arabic music, links
Jayyousi, Waleed Kazem +
Profile, photo album, Palestinian music, family only....
Juma, Ramez Personal, Nablus, pictures, links....
Krekeh, Ibraheem Intifada news, poster....
Kurdi, Amer Murad Resume....
Kutkut, Yousof +
Funny Little World - Poems, philosophy, lyrics, photos, murphy's laws....
Kuttab, Daoud +
Journalist - Career, articles, Arabic pages, Palestinian press....
Khadieh, Nahed - Kingdom
Photo album, personal pages, radio stations, Arabic music, links....
Khalil, Ahmad News, sport, movies, friends, links....
Khalout, Bashar Links to soccer, games, Arab countries,....
Khasho, M. +
Arabic & Palestinian music, photos, Sabra & Shatila, revolutionary songs, video clips....
Khatib, Nabil
Correspondent & Bureau Chief for Middle East Broadcasting Center (MBC), Jerusalem office, CV
Khazal, George +
Planner, pictures, Arabic newspapers & media, Nizar Qabani, links....
Khooli, Abed +
Arabic 2000 - Learn Arabic, search, business directory, gateway, services....
Leena's Arab Realm
Arab Countries - Issues, news & culture, articles, Israeli terrorism, poetry, music....
Layalee Poetry, friendship, humour, music, radio, TV, art gallery, Palestine Chat....
Majlaton, Issa Personal info....
Palestine 4 Me - Latest Palestinian news, pictures, history, poems, maps, chat, info, links....
Mardam-Bey, Khaled Nutshell - Tricks, puzzles, truth, IRC, feet, beings, veggie, poetry, books....
Mari, Mustafa
Opinion, interests, projects, writings, publications, human rights, christians, Nakba, news....
Marouf, Nicholas
Family, jokes, Palestinian news & info links, music, programs, drinks, pictures....
What I believe, Christian page, Palestine page, super links....
Matar, Samy Amal - Quotations of Hope and Imagination. Help us build the Encyclopedia of Quotations
Mohammad, Hisham Palestine & Islamic links....
Musa, Izhiman Palestine, photos, links....
Mushtaha, Ashraf Majed Personal, Palestnian links
Naieem, Raed
Palestine, history, culture, pictures, news, action, links....
Nammari, Hisham Personal, family, photos, other pages, links....
Nashash, Ahmad + Al-Falujah - Islam, Quran
Natour, Sameh
Jerusalem's images, poetry, newsstand, hamas, folklore, Naji Al-Ali, Islam....
Nazzal, Dr. Khalil +
Palestinian, Arabic, polish, medical & health links
Noufal, Mudar +
C.V., other sites, web creations, grenoble, animated gifs, Pirelli 98, links to Palestine, sport, TV....
Noureldin, Zack
Thoughts - The Palestinian cause, Arab nation, poetry, caricatures, the anti-Arab attack, links....
Odah, Mohamed Resume, family album, cool Australian links....
Odeh, Mohammad Shawkat Personal, photo album, NASA, Arab links....
Live Arabic radio & TV, tools, friends, Arabic music, news, Arab & Palestinian sites....
Parry, Nigel Songwriter, photojournalist, and web designer. Songs & music, diary....
It is Our Land - Palestine, overview, political documents, history, information, news, pictures, links....
Pharon, Samer A.K. Jerusalem gallery, Palestinian human rights, resume....
Qadamani, Ahmad
Jerusalem, CV, Palestinian, greek, Arabic, clinical psychology and psychiatry links
Qara'een, Suhad
The Prophet, poems, Palestine, Jerusalem, friends, midis, essays, animation, Yanni, links....
Qatanani, Tawfiq
Arab countries photos, Arabic media. Arabic, Palestinian & other links....
Qumseya, Firas
An attempt to keep the reader updated with the current events regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict
Qutub, Samer Waleed France, Toulouse, CV, links....
Rafi, Samer Various links
Refaei, Sameh A poem
Rimawi Palestine, Beit Reema, pictures....
Rishmawi, George Palestine, personal, interests, photo album, strange but true, links....
Saba, Osama I.
Intifada pictures, Palestine, resume, fine art, poetry, image processing, links....
Sahouri, Majed J. Physician info, photos, family & friends, links
Sahouri, Saed J. Physician info, photos, medical web, links
Sahouri, Tim Personal, photos, links
Saleh, Rafic Adnan
Palestine Oasis - Palestine, Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, folklore, Intifada, Islam, Qana, cities, poetry....
Salem, Husni Personal, CV
Saleem links
Saleh, Qais Poems: Wings of Wax & Feather
Saleh Waleed +
Tribute to Al-Quds, information and historic documentations, Al-Aqsa....
Saleh, Zeidan Resume & courses....
Salem, Nezar Merwan Personal stuff
Sanduga, Asma Dina Palestine, photos, flag, links....
Sayeh, Khaled
Palestine, Jerusalem, Nablus, poetry, CV, photo, friends, life, download, links....
Sbieh, Samer Intifada links & pictures, personal links, tetris....
Skeik, Tharwat (old) Palestine, weekly articles, news through pictures, sport, links....
Skeik, Tharwat (new)
Islam, Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban, Virtue Paty, FIS, events, opinion, links....
Shaheen, Osama
Palestine, wheelchair story, Jesus Christ, music....
Shamroukh, Wisam Hebron, village of Zakariyya, Sara, links
Shanti, Rami Salem Palestine map, links....
Sharabati, Mohammad Islam, Hebron, Jerusalem, sport, pictures, movies, links....
Sharif, Yahya +
Learning HTML using Arabic script....
Shehad, Jamil +
Personal, acadamic, research, gallery, Palestine, Jerusalem, poetry, links....
Sheik, Fadil Gaza & Palestine maps, resume, links....
Shubair, Haitham
+ Articles, poetry, Palestine, history, Jerusalem, cartoons ,,,,
Shultz, Fredrik W. The United Nations & the Question of Palestine
Taibi (Al-Teebi), Mahir
Palestine, Arabia, computers, news, service, links....
Tamimi, Firas Photo album, learn HTML, security tips....
Tamimi, Mohammad Tareq Hebron Penpals Club, Palestine, Hebron....
Tamimi, Nidal Intifada, appeal, Hebron....
Tibi, Fadi World Cup info, kool links....
Um Ahmad
Struggle In Palestine - Pictures, comments, poems, Palestine, Islam, politics, links....
Unknown Home Sweet Home - Cities & Towns of Palestine: Jerusalem, Akka, Hebron
( Others under construction )
+ Palestine - Nizar Qabani, chat notes, links....
+ Palestine the Arabic Land- Poem by Nizar Qabani, message, links....
Unknown (Shadya?)
Palestine for Ever - The Biggest Martyr's Wedding, poem by Mahmoud Darwish, photos, links....
Unknown Safad - Information & statistics about Palestine, links....
Wawi, Amer Biography, resume, Yahya Ayyash, Halhul, Israeli massacres, Intifada, life in Palestine....
Zagha, Nasser Personal preview, Arabic music, web graphics, links....
Zahdeh, Abdel-Wahab
Mohammad Al-Durrah, own poems, other poets....
Zahr, Amer George
Resume, acadamic work, pictures of the Intifada and Palestinian cities & towns, links....
Zakharia, Ramzi Jerusalem, articles, links
Zeidan, Baha A. Resume, friends, war game, links....
Ziada, Jamal Hamdan
Omsiyat Hamadanyah, Arabic poems, stories, links....
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For books, popular music, classic music, videos, DVDs and CDs visit:
Recommended listening:
Zaghareed: music From The Palestinian Holy Land By El-Funoun
A concept album based on the music played during a traditional wedding ceremony.
This is a great CD, highly recommended to anyone!
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Created 20 January 1998. Last updated 21 May 2001
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