on the ground in ramallah - news from a town become battlefield



1 October 1996, For Immediate Release

The undersigned Palestinian human rights and non-governmental organizations are gravely concerned by the deteriorating human rights situation in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In addition to the Israeli military authorities' use of excessive force in the last few days, resulting in the deaths of 60 Palestinians, including 10 children, and at least 1,600 injured persons, the Israeli authorities have imposed a military siege on the towns and villages of the West Bank.

The Israeli authorities have isolated Palestinian towns and villages in the West Bank by declaring Area C to be a closed military area. Area C is about 70 per cent of the total area of the West Bank and its closure consequently isolates all Palestinian population centers, whether they are located in Areas A, B, or C. This action places Palestinian residents in a situation similar to town arrest. Restrictions on movement have also been imposed within the Gaza Strip.

Some areas are completely isolated as a result of the siege. In addition, the complete closure of East Jerusalem, imposed in January 1991 and intensified in March 1993, continues to prohibit Palestinians from the Gaza Strip and the rest of the West Bank from entering Israel and Jerusalem. On 30 September 1996, the Israel Defense Forces stated that Israeli journalists were prohibited from entering Area A, which is under the control of the Palestinian National Authority. The Israeli authorities announced yesterday that they have introduced a permit system for internal travel within the West Bank.

The siege imposed has had detrimental effects on the life of the residents of the area. The following is a summary of the main areas of concern:

Health and medical treatment: Reports indicate that shortages of medical supplies are already emerging. Ambulances and medical personnel have been prevented from moving freely from one area to another, especially to major clinics and hospitals located in the main towns and cities of the West Bank. Patients are also prohibited from leaving their places of residence to enter areas where medical facilities are located, and from entering hospitals inside Israel where they receive treatment. Preliminary documentation reveals that at least seven women have been restricted from proceeding freely to hospitals to give birth. Medical supplies are also not reaching pharmacies and hospitals, particularly since the main sources of pharmaceuticals are located in the main towns of the West Bank, and exchange of goods within the West Bank is very difficult. Medical personnel are expressing deep concern over the rapidly deteriorating health situation and potential emergence of new problems and health complications. The situation is particularly acute since more than 1,600 persons in the different parts of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been injured in the current violence and are currently receiving medical treatment. Further, 14 patients from the Gaza Strip were prohibited on 29 September 1996 from leaving the Gaza Strip to receive medical treatment in Israel and Jerusalem. They were delayed for more than two hours at Erez checkpoint by the Israeli forces, and were eventually turned back. Shortages in baby milk have also started to appear.

The economy and agriculture: The closure has also affected the economy and has severely disrupted normal life in the West Bank. The agricultural sector is suffering since many farmers and their workers are not able to reach their fields. This is expected to have serious effects on crops that are in season. There is particular concern about the olive crop, which has just come into season. The siege also prevents farmers from marketing their produce outside their own place of residence, causing them economic hardship. As a result, there are shortages of fresh basic produce in the main towns, particularly since produce from the north of the West Bank and Jericho area are the main sources of supply for the rest of the West Bank. Workers are also generally not able to reach their places of work inside the West Bank. In addition more than 50,000 Palestinians are prevented from reaching their places of work in Israel and Jerusalem. Since 26 September 1996, the Israeli authorities have prohibited Palestinian fishermen in Rafah, Khan Younis and areas surrounding Gush Katif from access to the sea.

Education: The closure is also disrupting education, particularly since it is common for students and teachers to attend or teach in schools in villages and towns other than those where they live.

Prisoners in Israeli Jails: Family visits to the more than 3,500 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons and detention centers are also canceled now until further notice because of the siege.

Disruption of the Work of the Palestinian Courts and Lawyers: Normal internal legal proceedings in the West Bank are paralyzed. The military siege has prevented court employees, including members of the judiciary, from reaching their places of work in Area A. In addition lawyers cannot reach their clients or represent them in the courts.

Curfew: A strict curfew has been in effect since 27 September 1996 on Hebron city and the nearby villages of 'Aroub and Beit Ommar. Parts of Halhoul in Hebron district were also placed under curfew in the early hours of Saturday 28 September 1996. Baqa al-Sharqeya in Tulkarem district is under curfew for the fifth consecutive day. Hizma in Jerusalem district is under curfew for the third day. The curfew was lifted on Hebron for four hours on Sunday commencing at 4:00 a.m. This was relatively useless for residents as they could not purchase the needed supplies. The curfew was lifted again in Hebron city yesterday morning for three hours from 5:00 a.m. As of yesterday evening, 'Einabous and Howwara near Nablus were also under curfew.

In addition, there is a heavy Israeli military presence of personnel, arms, jeeps, tanks and armored personnel carriers, at the entrances of the main towns, particularly Hebron, Nablus, Jenin, Ramallah, Bethlehem, and in the Gaza Strip. The latest statements by Israeli officials, particularly by Mr. Netanyahu, and the unusual increase of the Israeli military presence is alarming. It causes fear that further military operations against Palestinians may take place any minute.

The isolation of Palestinian towns and villages in the West Bank was first imposed by the Israeli military authorities in March 1996. Instead of the Israeli-Palestinian Agreements being used as a means of furthering the prospects of peace, its provisions, particularly those concerning the division of the West Bank into enclaves, have been used by the Israeli authorities as an instrument of control. The siege is in clear violation of the Israeli-Palestinian Agreement, particularly Article XXI(8), which emphasizes that

"the West Bank and the Gaza Strip [are] a single territorial unit, the integrity and status of which will be preserved during the interim period."
The closure and restrictions on movement are measures of collective punishment in clear violation of Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 1949.

The continuation of the siege, and the other measures imposed by the Israeli authorities, such as curfews and heavy deployment of Israeli military personnel and tanks outside the main towns increases tension. Military helicopters are still roaming over the area. In the past, the undersigned human rights and civil society organizations have warned of the consequences of such measures, which in fact provoke further confrontations. Israel must be held fully responsible for any consequences and deterioration in the human rights situation that may result. The undersigned organizations call on the international community of states and on international and local non-governmental organizations to intervene with the Israeli authorities immediately demanding:

The international community is also responsible for ensuring the full protection and security of Palestinian civilians in the current situation.

LAWE - The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment
The Palestinian Human Rights Information Center
The Mandela Institute for Political Prisoners
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights
Defense for Children International/Palestine Section
Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions
Palestinian Medical Relief Committees

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