Photo Diary

Day 1: Wednesday 25th September 1996, "Israeli soldiers open fire"

We initially reported the caption for this image as "Tear gas fails to disperse the protesters." Actually, the smoke was coming from a burning tyre that had been extinguished. Oops. Photo by Yasser Darweesh


Israeli soldiers, crouching in a street littered with stones, open fire with rubber bullets. These "rubber" bullets were 1cm diameter steel balls encased in 1mm of plastic. These resulted in many injuries. Photo by Yasser Darweesh


Israeli soldiers shoot at Palestinian demonstrators from inside Area A, an autonomous Palestinian zone. Palestinian Police, after watching Israeli soldiers open fire on the Palestinian population for an hour, only opened fire themselves when a Palestinian policeman was injured by Israeli gunfire. One Palestinian Policeman and three others died as a result of Israeli use of both rubber bullets and live ammunition. One Birzeit student - Yasser Abdul Ghani - was shot in the heart. The grey car on the left, a Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation vehicle, was repeatedly strafed with bullets (photo appears in Aftermath of the first shootings). Photo by Yasser Darweesh

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