Photo Diary

Day 3: Friday 27th September 1996, "Midday around Khamara checkpoint"

Photo: Smoky haze, burning tire and protestor throwing stone

The population went down to the checkpoint again, burning tires and throwing stones at the Israeli checkpoint. The Israeli troops mostly used rubber bullets today, a departure from the previous two days' use of live ammunition on demonstrators and high explosive rounds from helicopters on civillian homes. Photo by Kifah al-Fani


Photo: same scene from Israeli side of the checkpoint

The scene seen from a hill high on the other side of the Khamara checkpoint. The two front lines are clearly defined, by the row of Israeli soldiers standing by the watchtower and the row of Palestinian demonstrators on the other side of the burning tire. Photo by Nigel Parry


Photo: Building under construction bristling with Israeli guns

Meanwhile, all around the area, in every construction site on the hills, Israeli troops were stationed, guns at the ready. 16 Israeli soldiers occupy the roof of this unfinished Palestinian apartment building, one sitting down behind a huge machine gun (click here for enlargements and weapon details). For people throwing stones? It certainly wasn't for the Palestinian police, who were staying well out of it today, keeping as many Palestinians away from the checkpoint as possible, but it was difficult. Photo by Nigel Parry

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