on the ground in ramallah - news from a town become battlefield

Overview of the Developments

Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th September 1996


The Facts

The following is a chronological report of the recent events in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza. All information has been taken from press releases and reports of Al-Haq, The Palestinian Human Rights Information Center, The Jerusalem Media and Communication Center, Reuters Press, CNN, LAWE-The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment, The Human Rights Action Project of Birzeit University, as well as eye witness accounts. For information, check out the links on this site to local and international media and Palestinian organizations, or e-mail questions or comments to bzuced!hjelmasu@baraka.org.

Monday September 23, 1996

In the late hours of Monday September 23, Israeli military forces, officials from the Israeli Ministry of Tourism, and the Israeli Mayor Ehud Olmert illegally opened up an entrance to the Western Wall Tunnel beneath the steps of the al-Umariyya School, which is located on the Via Dolorosa, one of the main streets of the Old City of Jerusalem. The Israeli Ministry of Religion has been working on excavating this tunnel, which runs from the Wailing Wall north, along the side of the western wall of the third most holiest Islamic site, Haram al-Sharif, since 1968. Much of the work of excavation has taken place in secret. The tunnel, 480 meters in length, consists of a long passageway leading into an ancient underground canal which in turn leads into a double cistern known as the Struthion Pool, located beneath an Islamic Waqf property, the Via Dolorosa, and the Convent of the Sisters of Zion.

Such actions are in breach of the international law of belligerent occupation, which requires an occupying power to refrain from making fundamental changes in occupied territory.

Tuesday September 24, 1996

A march led by community leaders in protest of the opening of the entrance to the Wailing Wall Tunnel, set off after noon prayers from the Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem. Hundreds of Israeli troops were deployed inside and around the Old City. The marchers entered Suleiman Street, which lies between Damascus and Herod's Gates. There was a stand-off for 15 minutes while leaders of the march attempted to persuade Israeli soldiers to let the march proceed. Israeli soldiers then attacked the demonstrators, beating them with clubs and charging the crowd with horses. Eight persons were hospitalized, including Hassan Tahboub, the Minister of Religious Affairs for the Palestinian National Authority.

Wednesday September 25, 1996

Demonstrations and clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian demonstrators resulted in 263 casualties and 7 deaths, according to the administrative director of Ramallah Hospital.

At least five Birzeit students were hospitalized with serious injuries, one in intensive care. The student, Yasser Abdel Ghani, aged 23, was shot with live ammunition in the chest and received open-heart surgery from Ramallah Hospital doctors on the way to the operating theater. Despite two wounds to the heart and one to the lung, his condition improved slightly during the day and he remained in stable but critical condition.

Of the 263 wounded that passed through Ramallah hospital, approximately 75-100 were Birzeit students who were treated and later released. Many of the injuries resulted from shots fired at close range. A Public Relations Officer of Birzeit University at the hospital described the scenes in the hospital as "chaotic". He continued, "There were stretchers everywhere, blood all over the floor. There were so many casualties that there was no time for the hospital staff to clean until much later that night."

Birzeit University President Hanna Nasir stated that, "Students were en route to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, which Israel claims is open to all Palestinians. Yet they were halted at a checkpoint deep in the West Bank. This is not just about the tunnel issue," stated Dr. Nasir, "ongoing Israeli violations of the spirit and letter of the Oslo accords have made it impossible for Palestinians to stand silently."

Wednesday’s clash was the most serious violence of its kind since Israel began handing over parts of the West Bank and Gaza to Palestinian self-rule in May 1994.

Israel closed its borders with the West Bank and Gaza, and placed armoured tanks at all checkpoints, barring thousands of Palestinians from jobs inside Israel.

The following is a detailed description of what took place in cities throughout the West Bank and Gaza:


Around noon a march was led in protest of the Israeli authorities' illegal opening of the entrance of the Western Wall Tunnel in Jerusalem, close to the Muslim shrine of al-Haram al-Sharif. The march, consisting of thousands of unarmed Palestinians, including school and university students, approached the Israeli checkpoint lying south of Al-Bireh on the Ramallah-Jerusalem road. There were initially around 60 Israeli soldiers deployed on two hills which lie on both sides of the road, with reinforcement arriving soon afterwards. Israeli soldiers then began to open fire with rubber bullets and live ammunition on the civilians who were demonstrating at the checkpoint. Shooting continued all afternoon, with Israeli soldiers using live and rubber bullets. In the late afternoon Israeli soldiers entered Area A, which is under the control of the Palestinian National Authority, and clashed with Palestinian security forces. Snipers in an Israeli helicopter fired on the Palestinian security forces, in addition to dropping tear gas canisters and sound bombs to quell the Palestinian demonstrators.

Four Palestinian officers and three civilians were killed. 263 Palestinians were injured in the shooting. with dozens of critically injured and 45 persons requiring immediate operations. At least 25 of the injured admitted to the hospital suffered from high velocity bullet wounds to the brain and chest. Doctors from the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, and other health professionals, were called to the scene of the demonstration.

However, they also came under fire whilst trying to take the injured to hospital. One person was injured when a bullet entered an ambulance, and two others were shot as they were removing casualties from the area. Palestinian health professionals were placed on full emergency alert and were faced with attempting to address the needs of a large number of injured with very limited resources.

Among those that died in Ramallah during the clashes were Ashraf Khalid Al Ashram, age 28 from Gaza; Munir Yousef Jumhor, age 22 from Beit Ana; Ra’id Ibrahim Sheraka, age 15 from Jelazon refugee camp; Abdul Jabar Hassan, age 20 from Deir Abu Mashaal; and Aiman Abdul Majid Owad. Those seriously injured include Hashim Ayoub, Mansur Shawamri, Yaser Abdel Ghani, and Ahmad Khalid Idkher.

Exchange of fire continued until early evening. A general strike was observed in Jerusalem and the West Bank.


Israeli police and border guards attacked Palestinian demonstrators with clubs near the Old City of Jerusalem. Palestinian protesters marched from Al-Aqsa Mosque towards one of the Old City’s gates (Damascus Gate) after mid-day prayers. Islamic Waqf (Trust ), PA Legislative Council members, PA officials and prominent figures in the city participated in a demonstration in protest of the digging and opening of a new entrance to a tunnel under the premises of Al-Aqsa Mosque. During the attack on demonstrators, the Israeli police beat PA Finance Minister Mohammed Zuhdi Nashashibi and Palestinian Mufti Sheikh Ikrima Sabri. Moreover, PA Minister of Religious Affairs Hassan Tahboub was run over by an Israeli police horse. He and eight other Palestinians were taken to Al- Maqassed Hospital in Jerusalem. Council member Ziad Abu Ziad was also beaten by Israeli police near Al-Majless Gate in the Old City when he attempted to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque.


Students held a demonstration that started from the Hebron Municipality towards Bab Al Zawiyeh area in the Old City of Hebron. The demonstration was transformed into severe clashes and stone throwing. Palestinian soldiers raided the area and arrested 20 Palestinians. Hebron, the only major West Bank town still under Israeli occupation, was put under curfew by the Israeli authorities.


PA Minister of Local Governance Sa’eb Erekat headed a Palestinian demonstration in the city. Speaking to demonstrators, he stated that there would be “no peace with settlements and no peace without Jerusalem”.


Bethlehem University students held a demonstration near the Bethlehem checkpoint, adjacent to Rachel’s Tomb. Speaking to protesters, Council member Salah Ta’mari said that Israel's “apartheid practices will not pass without reaction” In the morning, clashes erupted near the checkpoint between residents of Dheisheh Refugee Camp and Israeli soldiers. There were a total of 130 Palestinians injured.


In the Gaza strip, clashes occurred near two Jewish settlements, at the Erez border crossing to Israel, at Rafah near the Egyptian border and other areas.

Thursday September 26, 1996

The total dead as a result of clashes on Thursday were 37 Palestinians and 11 Israelis. More than 740 Palestinians were injured, with many critical injuries, and 50 Israeli injuries. With 7 Palestinians killed on Wednesday, the death toll is brought up to 44.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was on a three day visit to Europe, called Yasser Arafat from Germany and demanded that the Palestinian leader contain the violence, Netanyahu spokesman Shia Bazak said. The Israeli leader cut several hours from his trip and returned Thursday evening to chair an emergency Cabinet meeting after a state of emergency was called by the Israeli army in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A round of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks scheduled for Thursday was postponed. Sa'eb Erekat, in a live telephone interview with CNN, accused the Netanyahu government of pushing Palestinians toward confrontation by not honoring its pledge to fulfill the peace agreement negotiated by previous Israeli governments.

Palestinian leaders declared Thursday a national day of mourning , and merchants were asked to keep shops shut as funerals were held for those who died on Wednesday.

The violence was “an escalation by the Israeli government against our people,” Arafat told reporters outside his Gaza city headquarters.

Netanyahu blamed the trouble on Arab misinformation and appealed for order. “There have been wild and unfounded accusations,” Netanyahu said. He also said that he had personally ordered the completion of the tunnel. “The decision was good, but the timing was bad.”

Arafat called on Palestinian police to stop shooting, and only fire in self-defense or to protect civilians.


In Ramallah, the funerals for those who died on Wednesday erupted into massive demonstrations at the Khamara checkpoint. Nine Palestinians were killed during the heavy fighting and seventy injuries were reported in serious condition. Israel troops entered Area A, using helicopters. In Ramallah, hospital officials said Israeli troops began shooting and killed three Palestinians when they fired on thousands of Palestinians stoning their position. Palestinian police then opened fire on the Israeli troops.

The violence began after more than 1,000 Palestinians marched along the highway leading to the checkpoint separating Ramallah's Palestinian controlled Area A, and Israeli controlled Area C. Israeli troops fired live ammunition and rubber bullets at the demonstrators when they came under a hail of stones and bottles. A heavy gun battle ensued between Palestinian police and Israeli soldiers. Israeli helicopters shot into the crowds of demonstrators and onlookers. Israeli troops pursued Palestinian demonstrators past the checkpoint in Ramallah into the autonomous Palestinian area. A cease fire was called at noon, but at 3:00 p.m., fighting resumed. Clashes were also reported at the northern checkpoint of Ramallah, near the settlement of Beit El. Fighting lasted for approximately half an hour.

At approximately 3:30, Israeli tanks and armoured personnel carriers entered Ramallah. Arafat ordered his 30,000 strong police force to shoot only if fired on. Palestinian policemen tried to hold back stone-throwers after the worst of the fighting had subsided, witnesses said.

Israeli soldiers also opened fire at one of the cars belonging to the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation. The car overturned and 3 members of the TV crew were admitted to hospital for medical treatment.

The director of the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, was wounded while administering first aid in the midst of the conflict. Dr. Barghouthi was struck in the chest, shoulder, and skull by three sniper’s bullets. His assistant also received a head injury.


Various parts of the city observed clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli border Guards. Stone throwing incidents were reported in the Old City of Jerusalem, Abu Dis village, Sour Baher and Hizma village. Israeli police dispersed with clubs a march headed by Executive Committee member, Faisal Husseini, who was clubbed several times and admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital. Legislative Council member Hatem Abdel Qader was also beaten by police. The march was heading from the old city towards Damascus Gate when it was attacked. At least 40 Palestinians were arrested and forty injured, with many being rushed to Maqassed Hospital for medical treatment. Hospitals throughout the city faced overcrowding.

In another incident, Israeli military attempted to attack Arafat advisor Dr. Ahmad Tibi near the village of Al-Ram. In the morning a delegation of Meretz and Peace Now movements paid a solidarity visit to Islamic Waqf headquarters.


Heavy clashes between Palestinian security forces and the Israeli army began early in the morning, with an intense gun-battle breaking out at 1:30 p.m. between Palestinian police and Israeli soldiers in a residential area on the border between the Israeli controlled Area C and the Palestinian Autonomous Area of Bethlehem. The Israeli army - more than 100 soldiers - were positioned directly opposite the 30-40 Palestinian policemen - as well as on roof tops in the area from which they shot at Palestinian forces with live ammunition. The battle continued for more than an hour, with over 148 injured and two dead. Three more Palestinians were later shot by undercover Israeli forces, who entered the Palestinian Autonomous Area of Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem. Heavy fighting, stone throwing and tear gassing ensued at about 3:00 in the afternoon and a gun battle began at about 9:30 p.m. Clashes continued far into the night and spread throughout the area.

One of the injured, Legislative Council member Salah al- Ta’mari, was admitted to hospital for medical treatment of serious injuries.


Two Palestinians and 11 Israelis were killed and 181 Palestinians were injured on Thursday in Nablus in the worst of the clashes in the West Bank. The fiercest fighting took place near Joseph’s Tomb (an Israeli- controlled religious site located in the Palestinian Autonomous Area of Nablus). Palestinian protesters hurled stones against Israeli soldiers and forced them to withdraw from the premises of the tomb. Palestinian and Israeli forces exchanged fire near the area early in the morning. Palestinian sources reported that local police had taken 37 Israeli soldiers as prisoners. At this point, Israel declared a state of emergency and deployed extra troops and sent in armored tanks and helicopters to quell the violence. Fierce fighting ensued, with Israeli forces firing live ammunition on the ground and from helicopters. By noon, the fighting had stopped after a cease fire agreement was reached and the release of the Israeli soldiers was negotiated.


Israeli forces deployed around all Jewish settlements in the Hebron area.

In the city of Hebron, Kiryat Arba settlers led by Rabbi Moshe Levinger shot live ammunition at Palestinians returning from mid-day prayers. More than 40 Palestinian protesters were injured in the city and within its suburbs of Sa’ir Beit Ommar and Al-Aroub Refugee Camp. Israeli army in the city used helicopter and live ammunition to subdue the Palestinian demonstrators. As Hebron is the only major Palestinian city still under Israeli occupation, the Israeli authorities were able to impose a curfew on the town at noon for the second consecutive day. Al-Haram al- Ibrahimi Mosque was also closed indefinitely by the Israeli authorities.


Palestinians demonstrators marched through the city and gathered in front of the Municipality building. Protesters from the neighboring village of Bab al- Sharquay threw stones at Israeli soldiers. Few injuries were reported.


Protesters clashed with Israeli soldiers near the city's northern checkpoint during which few injuries were reported. A few injuries were also reported in the neighboring village of Bidya as a result of clashes.


Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli military on the Jenin-Haifa Road. Three injuries were reported in Azababdeh village. Settlers from the neighboring settlements opened fire against Palestinian protesters in Ya’bad village. However. no injuries were reported. Al- Yamoun village also observed some stone-throwing incidents.


Palestinian demonstrators marched in the morning from Al- Azhar University toward the Netzarim intersection where they clashed with Israeli soldiers. Violent incidents erupted in various parts of the Gaza Strip and the most severe incidents took place in Rafah and Deir al-Balah. Exchange of fire between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian police erupted when an Israeli unit attempted to enter the autonomous area of Gaza. Exchange of fire and fierce fighting were also reported near the Jewish settlements of Kfar Daroum and Netzarim, where Israeli soldiers were parachuted into the settlements and armored tanks were placed around the entire area. Israeli military helicopters were also deployed which proceeded to randomly fire at Palestinian civilians in the area.

In Rafah, a town bordering Egypt in the Gaza Strip, Israeli soldiers shot dead four protesters, among them a fourteen year old boy, when demonstrators there threw stones and ripped down part of the border fence. Two Israeli helicopters dropped tear gas and percussion grenades on the demonstrators.

Twenty five Palestinians in total were killed and over 140 sustained injuries from live ammunition and rubber bullets. Among the dead in Gaza were 8 Palestinian policemen and a 13-year old girl, Nora Abu Saad. Thirty of the injuries were critical, and 70 Palestinians received bullets in the head and chest. Among the injuries were two journalists working with foreign press agencies. Three Israeli soldiers were reported dead, while several others were injured.

In many areas, ambulances faced difficulties in reaching the wounded and were assisted by both the United Nations Refugee Works Agency and the Red Cross in evacuating the casualties.

Throughout the Gaza Strip, Israeli soldiers were ordered to shoot without the need to distinguish whether or not their lives were at risk.

Friday September 27, 1997

The death toll has reached to 60 Palestinians, with approximately 800 injuries.

Seven more Palestinians were killed today during clashes with Israeli military.


Following noon prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Israeli soldiers stormed inside the compound walls and shot at a crowd of almost 6,000 who had come for Friday prayers with rubber bullets and tear gas, as reported by Israeli military officials. However, hospital officials treating those wounded in the raid report that the wounds were from live ammunition and not rubber bullets. The crowds tried to flee the scene but found that police had closed the exits to the compound. Border guards also shot into the crowds from buildings overlooking the compound. Three Palestinians (Ayman Yahya Mustafa Idkeidek, 28, Ibrahim Ali Musa Abu Ghannam, 19, and Jawad Bazlamit, all from Jerusalem) were killed and at least 100 were injured. A number of the injured suffered critical wounds from live ammunition to the head. Police obstructed the evacuation of the injured and later blocked access roads to hospitals and were reported to be clashing with Palestinian youth.


A procession of Palestinians near Rachel's Tomb, a holy site shared by Jews and Moslems, at the entrance to Bethlehem, was stopped by Israeli soldiers who were reported to have in their possession portable mortar launchers, used in field operations. Four youth were reported injured. an attempt by Israeli soldiers to enter Bethlehem was thwarted by Palestinian police.


On Jerusalem's northern border with Ramallah, Israeli soldiers deployed tanks and mortar launchers at the checkpoint where major fighting occurred Wednesday and Thursday. Inside the city funeral processions passed without incident earlier in the day for the eight Palestinians killed there yesterday. Clashes erupted at the southern entrance to Al-Bireh city this afternoon. Five Palestinians were injured.


In the border town of Rafah in the Gaza strip, a two hour gun battle between Palestinian and Israeli forces took place in the evening. Israeli attack helicopters were reportedly shooting at protesters from the air. Two Palestinians who were shot by Israeli forces on Thursday died of their wounds on Friday. Mass demonstrations were reported at the settlement of Netzarim in the north and at Kfar Daroum in the center of the Strip. Security sources in Cairo reported that an Egyptian police lieutenant patrolling on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border was fatally wounded by live ammunition from Israeli helicopters.


Mass riots erupted in the autonomous Palestinian city of Jericho, with three Palestinians (Firad Mohammed Orabi, Shadi Yusef Abdul Majid Attiyeh, and Ziyad Izziddin al- Sharif) being shot to death by Israeli gunfire and 12 Palestinians injured when demonstrators threw stones at soldiers at a military outpost. Twenty others were injured when crowds were fired upon as they approached the Israeli checkpoint.


One Palestinian policeman (Imad Salem Omar, 30) and two Israeli paramilitary policemen were killed during clashes in Tulkarem after Israeli troops attempted to enter the Palestinian controlled city. Fifteen Palestinians were injured. Clashes were also reported at the nearby Alfei Menashe settlement. Eight people were treated for serious bullet injuries, with tens more injured in further clashes. Helicopters were deployed throughout the area.


In the city of Hebron and in nearby Beit Ummar, Moslem worshippers defied an Israeli curfew in order to reach mosques to pray. Israeli soldiers shot five Palestinians on their way to the mosque.


Palestinian police intervened in clashes between rock throwing youth and Israeli soldiers when soldiers used live ammunition against the civilians. Three people were reported injured.

Saturday, September 28, 1996

The death toll has reached 76 Palestinians and 14 Israelis. The reported injuries thus far have been 1,100 Palestinians, of which 21 are in serious condition, and 62 Israeli.

High ranking officials on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides have been attempting to negotiate a cease-fire in Gaza, while military forces remain on high alert.

Palestinian authorities called for a general strike again today as more funerals were held for those killed in the fighting.

Israeli authorities issued a new transportation measure in which all Palestinians must obtain a special travel card in order to travel between and through cities under Palestinian autonomous rule


Throughout the city, funerals took place for those killed in clashes on Friday at Al-Aqsa mosque. . A general strike was declared in Jerusalem. Israeli police deployed n large number throughout the city and barred Palestinians under 40 from entering the premises of Al- Aqsa. Incidence of minor clashes and stone-throwing were reported throughout the city. Abu Dis, which was the sight of severe clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian protesters Friday evening, was raided by Israeli troops before mid day and dozens of Palestinians were arrested.


After funerals marches held early in the morning, hundreds of students marched towards the Al Khamara checkpoint in Ramallah. Palestinian police in riot gear dispersed the crowds before they reached the checkpoint to avoid further violent clashes. Israeli military reinforced the checkpoints on all entrances to the city. In nearby Jalazoun Refugee Camp, Israeli military raided the city and conducted several arrests. The camp was placed under curfew.

Israeli attack helicopters continued to circle the city for the fifth consecutive day. Four Birzeit students remained among the tens of patients still in Ramallah hospital. Yasir Abdul Ghani remained in critical condition in the intensive care unit of Ramallah hospital with bullet wounds to his heart.


Palestinian police kept under control two large demonstrations headed towards Israeli checkpoints near Beit Hanoun and Kfar Daroum. Khan Younis witnessed several clashes between protesters and Israeli military near Goush Katif. Eight Palestinians were injured, of whom 2 were reported in critical condition. Light clashes were also reported in the border town of Rafah.


Palestinian demonstrators were prevented from nearing the Israeli checkpoint near Rachel's tomb, the sight of bloody clashes in the past few days. Few clashes erupted in nearby villages of Za'tarah, Al-Khader and Taqou'a. The Palestinian National Authority declared a state of emergency in the area.


The Al-Ahli hospital in the city of Hebron is currently suffering a shortage of medical supplies. Hebron remained under curfew for the third day in a row.


Thousands of Palestinians participated in the funerals of the youth who were killed during clashes in Tulkarem. Light stone-throwing incidents occurred in the nearby villages under curfew and a number of residents were injured in Sorif and Sa'ir villages. Israeli tanks were stationed at entrances to the village of Bani Na'ima.


The city governor issued orders for Palestinians forces to bar Palestinian demonstrators from approaching tense areas which were declared closed military zones. Some stone-throwing incidents took place against Israeli soldiers, and it was reported that Israeli military tanks were stationed at the entrances to the city.


Tension in the city eased after yesterday's violent clashes which left 2 Palestinians dead and dozens injured. A search was conducted for by Palestinian security for Mahmoud Khalil Al-Amouri, 22, a member of the Palestinian navy. Amouri left his base in Jericho two days ago, but failed to reach his home in the village of Yatta, near Hebron. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Sunday September 29, 1996

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this morning reopened the Western Wall Tunnel. Israeli riot police, armed with batons, were deployed at the entrance of tunnel, as Palestinians protested the re-opening. All West Bank towns have been completely sealed off, prohibiting much needed medical supplies and doctors from entering West Bank towns. Netanyahu stated that he would make no unilateral concessions to end the current crisis. While speaking to a crowd of 6,000 visiting Christians, he stated that he would never close the tunnel in Jerusalem


If violence continues in what Israeli authorities have dubbed Operation Field of Thorns, Israel threatens to disarm Palestinian forces. Israeli military forces also stated that the army would use whatever forces necessary to defend Israeli lives. At present, dozens of tanks and armored personnel carriers have been placed at all entrances to West Bank villages and the Gaza Strip, and Israeli sharp shooters are positioned at 'tense points' in the West Bank and Gaza.

After long negotiations, a summit was organized to be held this week in Washington with Benjamin Netanyahu and Yasser Arafat, providing the presence of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarek.

The United Nations issued a UN Resolution calling for the reversal of all acts which have resulted in the recent violence between Palestinians and Israelis, insurance of the safety and protection of all Palestinian civilians and a resumption of peace negotiations. The resolution did not directly criticize Israel but it implicitly called for the closing of the Western Wall Tunnel. The United States abstained from the vote.

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