Why it is important to know about this subject:


1-    Many drugs affect kidney mainly OTC which we are responsible for

2-    Many patient refer to pharmacy regarding their test so we should be able to interpret it to direct patient to health provider

3-    Pharmacist play crucial role in patient education plan



Bean shaped organ about size of the fest located near middle of your back below rip cage


Each kidney consist of about one million functional unite which is nephrone which is composed of 5 main segments




Function of kidney:

1-excretory (urea, uric acid, creatinine, drugs, products of metabolism)

2-regulatory: acid base balance, water, and electrolyte.      

3- endocrine: erythropoitin, renine, active form of vit D                


How kidney works:

Formation of urine include

1-filtration: start at glomerulus, content the same as plasma �prot and RBC and WBC, 170-200L /24 hr reduced to 1-2 L OF urine.

2-reabsorbtion: start at proximal tubules, Na, K, Ca, Mg, water, glucose.


a-waste product: urea (protein), uric acid (nuclicacids),creatinin(muscle).


c-Inorganic substances

d-Excess water


Mechanisms that control kidney function:

 FIG 2


Kidney .. huge functional reserve organ

Kidney is an organ with huge functional reserve; this means certain disorder in kidney may not appear unless around 75% of nephrons are lost


Renal function



Many people will have kidney disease which will get worse if not properly managed


Serious health problem and kidney disease



Cannot live long without renal replacement therapy (dialysis or transplantation.


Why do kidney fail

Most kidney disease attack nephrone affecting filtering capacity

Damage can be quickly or slowly reversible or irreversible


Most common causes of kidney disease are:

1-                Diabetes: many theories

-High blood sugar may force capillary in the kidney to filter greater amount of blood than normal, extra pressure on capillary leaking and filtering membranes thicken

-Increase blood aggregation, AS in renal arteries, decrease bld flow, nephrone starved of O2 and die

2-                Hypertension: the higher bld pressure the less blood reaches vital organ, and kidney and high blood pressure may damage bld vessels.

3-                Congenital kidney disease: poly cystic kidney disease

4-                Poisons or trauma

5-                Drugs especially OTC

6-                Aging: as person gets older body will age, no of functioning nephrone will decrease, volume and bld flow will decrease, glomerular filtration rate will decrease, kidney are less able to concentrate and dilute urine in response to hydration state.



We can classify kidney diseases to:


1-acute renal failure: sudden drop in kidney function, which is reversible

2- chronic renal failure: gradual loss of kidney function (silent kidney disease) and it is irreversible

3-end stage renal disease: total or nearly total and permanent kidney failure and person here should undergo dialysis or transplantation



How to know about kidney disease:


1-    Early stage person may not feel sick at all

2-    First sign may be general. Headache, feeling tired.. Etc

3-    Urination problems: less or more urination, change in urine       color,

4-    Pain in kidney area.. lower back pain .

5-    test s may revel kidney disease by chance and then it is the most important tool and diagnosis , management and follow up treatment



renal tests :are done to examine filtration function (protein),secretary capacity (urea , cretinine , uric acid ),and concentrating ability .


most important tests for kidney function  :


Normal value



Cretinine conc. in bld


Rise in response to renal damage

May not rise until 50%of renal fxn lost

Not reliable

May appear normal in older patient because muscle mass less

Creatinine clearance

Men 85-125 ml/minu

Women 75-115 ml/minu

To measure filtration

24 urine collection

most prices way to assess renal fxn

Limitation of urine collection

Used for detection of early damage since value will fall even with just 10% loss of renal function

Blood urea nitrogen

7-20 mg/dl

Rise in response to renal damage

GI hemorrhage and chronic gout may increase it

Protein in urine


1st sign is foamy urine

first measurable sign of damage ,

Important in diabetic patient follow up

Specific gravity

Random : 1.002-1.031

12 Hr fluid restriction: >1.025

Compare density of urine to water



Acute renal faiulre

Rapid loss of renal function, which may be reversed if, treated .

Causes :

1-prerenal :caused by circulatory insufficiency , burns , sever hemorrhage ,volume depletion,hypotension, drugs that may lead to

a-renal artery constriction(ACE inhibitor and NSAIDs)

b-volume depletion(diuretics)

c-heart failure (B-blockers 0

all will lead to renal hypo perfusion and decrease GFR.

If not treated it may lead to acute tubular necrosis


2-intrensic ARF(ATN)

loss of functional nephrone either due to nephro toxins or renal ischemia .. decrease bld flow .. decrease O2 supply � death of nephrone


3-post renal ARF

due to obstruction due to calculi , prostrate enlargment and neoplasm of urinary tract

characterized by anuria


usually three phases are observed inARF :

 1-    oligouric � occur within 1-2 days and last from several days to weeks

urine out put less than 400ml/day

2-    diuretic phase :  chch by increase volume of urine lasts for several days .. patient remain azotemic

3-    3- recovery phase : begin with gradual decline in azotemia may last weeks to months .


biochemical changes in plasma in ARF :

increased :

1-    K

2-    Urea

3-    Creatinin

4-    Phosphate

5-    Mg

6-    H+





management of ARF :

1-    relief obstruction

2-    control water and electrolyte

3-    strict control of NA and water intake

4-    nutritional support

5-    treatments of underlying disease like HTN, DM

6-    dialysis if needed .        

Patient information :

Name : nc

Age :69 years

Wight : 51


Past medical history :

Biventricular cardiac failure

Ankle edema



Medication history :

Frusemide 80 mg  on the morning

Isosorbide mono nitrate  20mg twice daily

Captopril   6.25 mg twice daily

Frusemide increase to 120 mg daily because of ankle oedema

Indomethacin 50 mg three times / day in previous 21 days .


Present illness :

Admitted complaining of nausea ,loss of appetite , on examination she was pale and tired looking ,sunken eyes .

Pulse 120 beat /minu

Blood pressure 105/70 lying and 85/60 standing


Diagnosis :

Na and water depletion with consequent renal hypo perfusion




Normal value


131mmol/L   low



5.5 mmol/L   high



17mmol/L  low



312 micromol/Lhigh



27.2 mmol/L high


Mean cell volume

71 fetolitre low



