Palestine is engraved only in the memory of the millions of displaced
Palestinains Its a poignant cry and hope of many to rekindle the flame of hope before it
evaporates and dissolves into the rivers
and oceans .
Its not an autobiography or
memories , but a humble efforts to record its heritage and history before the death
of this generations , an era of displaced and stateless people having to write their
history in blood .
This is the story of Palestine an
adorning flower in our bosom , living in the hearts of its sons
with the great love and pride . On
15 th MAY , 1948 the flower withered
, with the spread horror and sadness which was imposed onthem , with vagrancy being moved
away with the help force . A visit to the holy land in unforgattable experience remaining
in the soul

The article serves as a collection of memories expressing a
simple part to the soul so painful and seeing and longing and remembering the ancestral
holly land .It intended to serve as attribute to my homeland , to refresh , remind and
rekindle the memories , hopes and aspiration of many , fellow who are scattered
around the four corners of the globe . to keep burning the desire and glimmer of hope of
returning one day to our beloved homeland Palestine , to return home and keep alive
our ties to the motherland - a land which is so close , yet so far. Palestine Oasis
also provides facts about jerusalem ,palestine folklore islamic ,culture and education
subjects .
RAFIC Adnan El-saleh
ICQ- 41432420 |