The basic idea of this website is to make the world realize what is going on in Palestine. The media has been hiding all this, specially from the US residents. But what is right cannot be hidden. My objective is to bring this truth to the world. let us all see what is going on in Palestine. Let us all view the  steps taken against the Muslim world. Why I ask? why are Muslims being oppressed today? Aren't they humans too? well we have been quiet for a long time and its time all this ends. I will collect all the information I get in this website. To bring forward the truth and to show what has been hidden. But please keep in mind all the pictures I present may be brutal, but they are nothing compared to what is happening in Palestine. what goes through your mind once you visit this web site, please remember, can be nothing compared to what goes in the minds of the Palestini people. May Allah Subhanahowatallah grant me success.